The numbering is an archive convenience, absolutely no rank

Many thanks to all who sent their work,

your participation has blown life into the project.

Here is the TOP TEN selection + the Best Student work.

It happens sometimes that the jury members come to a common view

and this is magic !

This time the common thought is that “Humans still love Earth”,

the chosen posters spread a feeling of love, tenderness and happiness.

A big thank you to all the jury members

Tom Alemanno, Switzerland – Alessandro Tini, Switzerland – Benni Pedi, Italy

Irwan Harnoko, Indonesia – Xu Wei, China –  Huang Yong, China –  Kye-soo Myung, South Korea

for their commitment.

A special thanks to the Chairman of the jury Reza Mousavi, Iran

who compared each vote to find a common message.

Exactely what I expected.

I love you all, take care of yourself.


On October 30 we will announce a further SELECTION

with the 40 posters which will be objects of a TOUR.

Head of project

Adria Nabekle